#4 Grow Fast, Grow Global - Millions of Businesses In Every Corner
Welcome to the fourth extract in my series from my book 'Grow Fast, Grow Global: 6 steps to unstoppable international growth in the digital age'. Here's an extract from chapter one highlighting that there are businesses in every corner of the world and what this could mean for you.
Millions of businesses exist in every corner of the world
Although it is very difficult to get complete figures, it is estimated that there are over 100 million companies in the world, but well under one million of those are large companies listed on stock markets around the world. So most companies in all countries are small and medium-sized, with the vast majority of enterprises (between 70% and 95%) being micro-businesses. Increasingly, in more and more economies, services account for a larger share, sometimes up to 80% of the economy.
What does this mean for your business?
It can actually be easier to get your company noticed in new countries, as the business landscape may not be as competitive and your website may be more impressive than the local competition. In addition, your products and services might be more in demand and you may even be able to identify a gap in the market that is not filled locally. You can then target those countries specifically, but make sure that information about your company, products and services can be found online in that region.
If you can't wait and want to get your copy of Grow Fast, Grow Global to read at the weekend as paperback or Kindle, then buy online now.
Happy reading!